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Nervous System Restoration

Release trauma and stress from nervous system

and open the doors to full body health

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Why The Nervous System?

Why The Nervous System?

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This is a 4 week holistic program designed to realign the nervous system to your highest potential for physical, emotional, and spiritual health. This healing package is specifically created to help with long term ailments, including reoccurring pain, chronic illness or long standing mental health issues. The program combines specific techniques from Aromatherapy, Restorative Yoga, Meditation, and Energy Healing to target all aspects of the nervous system (physical, emotional, and spiritual) to create healing that is faster and easier on all systems of the body. The Nervous System Restoration Package includes : 


8-12 High Quality Essential Oils

1 Weekly Aromatherapy Session

1 Weekly Pranic Healing Session

Weekly Educational Support

Why working with the nervous system is essential

If your nervous system is not giving or receiving the healthiest messages possible, your body simply will not function to it's highest potential. It is the decision maker of the body. Every process, whether it's physical, emotional or spiritual, is relayed by electrical impulses via nuero pathways through out every system of the body. Any chronic health issue begins with stress in the nervous system. When the stress becomes overwhelming new nuero patterns are created in an effort to react in a predictable way to an unpredictable external world. The priority of the brain turns to predictability rather than health and therefor the message to the body is to continue with a pattern, even if a pattern is ultimately harmful.  


Most healing strategies begin with relieving symptoms and fixing individual dysfunctions of the body, which eventually relays back to the nervous system creating new healthier nuro patterns. However, since the nervous system is the ultimate decision maker, it is a much slower and more difficult process to rewire it via other systems. When you work directly with the nervous system to relieve stress, break patterns of dysfunction, and create healthy patterns, every other system of the body will naturally begin to follow these healthier patterns, which makes healing any issue faster and easier.   

What is stress and what does it have to do with the nervous system?

Whenever our body experiences a change, large or small, it pushes the nervous system out of homeostasis and into allostasis. The act of your nervous system trying to get back to homeostasis is actually the root of all physical and emotional stress. The 4 stages of stress are Shock, Hypothetical, Strategy, and Implementation. Every time your system is pushed into allostasis your subconscious automatically goes through these 4 stages to figure out how to get back to homeostasis as quickly as possible. These 4 stages are like an assembly line. When we aren't able to process the physical or emotional pain of a situation, the line get's backed up. We get stuck in 1 or more of these stages and the stress continues to build up, making it a chronic issue. 

Shock - For someone who experiences Panic Attacks, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or long term psychological issues, they are usually stuck in the first stage of Shock. The nervous system is continuously experiencing the original trauma or stress as if it is happening in real time and is reacting accordingly.

Hypothetical - A person who experiences hyper vigilance about safety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or Social Anxiety, are often stuck in the second stage of Hypothetical. The system is always trying to look at every possible outcome of every situation in order to predict what might happen next.

Strategy - Someone who procrastinates, has difficulty committing, and over analyzes can be stuck in the Strategy stage. The mind is in a constant state of figuring out how  to deal with the present moment, rather than actually dealing with the present moment.

Implementation - People who are workaholics, habitually busy, or need constant stimulation are sometimes stuck in the Implementation stage. The brain constantly carries out strategies in hopes of closing the neurological loop created by the original Shock phase. However, it is locked in the idea that enforcing more strategies is always needed and there for never actually closes and releases the neurological loop. 

Chronic pain, disease, and illness stems from the nervous system creating a pattern of dysfunction in order to compensate for the overload of unprocessed information stuck within this assembly line. Any amount of change (even good change) will trigger these 4 stages. Your body actually resists healing because it sees healing as an overwhelming change it won't be able to handle.


Once you relieve trauma and stress from the nervous system it can more easily shift through each of the 4 stages of stress, making it more capable of accepting overall healing on every level of the body.   

Why Aromatherapy?

Essential oils are the most potent way to work with plants. A single drop of rose oil takes 28 full grown roses to make! This extreme concentration also means that the molecules are very small which is why they are so aromatic and why they are so fast acting. The molecules are small enough to penetrate the the skin inside the nostrils and mouth and even capable of penetrating cell walls within the body. In my experience, this is the fastest and most effective way to work with all systems of the body, as well as working with the emotional body and energy body. 

Why Restorative Yoga?

Restorative Yoga uses gentle positioning of the body to work with the Musculoskeletal System to break unhealthy patterns of tension and dysfunction and relay them back to the Nervous System. Fascia tissue is a major component not only in keeping your muscles and organs in place, but it is also responsible for relaying crucial information to and from the Central Nervous System.The Lymphatic system is also an imperative part of Nervous System health and responds most quickly to physical movement and release of fascia tension. Combining Aromatherapy with Restorative Yoga means hitting the problems from multiple angles so that the relay system within the fascia tissue and the Lymphatic System improve much faster than they would with a single modality approach. 

Why Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing is a highly tested form of energy medicine that helps to realign the body through cleaning and restoring the energy body. While working with the body is essential in healing, our physical body is inherently connected to our emotions and our spirit. Any physical ailment we experience has an emotional and energetic correlation. Working to relieve the emotional energies stuck in the body helps facilitate healing on all levels. Pranic Healing is the most dynamic way to incorporate all 3 aspects of healing and helps to increase the ease and speed of healing for any ailment. 

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