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About Me

      At age 22 I started to experience issues with my health that doctors from every modality were unable to help with. By age 29 my condition had progressed to the point that I could no longer support myself and there were days that I spent completely bedridden with pain and fatigue. 

      At that point I was introduced to Pranic Healing which gave me physical and emotional relief within the first session. I was finally diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease, a bacterial infection in which the symptoms can be managed but never cured. My doctor said it would take up to 2 years and several rounds of antibiotics before I could live a normal life. However, thanks to Pranic Healing, I was able to reach a full recovery without prescription antibiotics within 1 year.

      During that year I learned the skills of Pranic Healing and discovered the joys of  helping to bring the same relief to others.   

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