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What is Pranic Healing?

      Pranic Healing® is a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy processes. 


      It is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity that has an innate ability to heal itself. This pervasive energy that surrounds and sustains the physical body, also affects our emotions, mental state, ability to handle stress, relationships and even finances.


What can Pranic Healing help with?

      Any imbalance we experience in our physical body, mental thought process, or emotions will have a corresponding energetic imbalance. Since Pranic Healing works directly on the energy body, it can treat or assist in treatment of any ailment. 


      This includes stress, infections, chronic illness, inflammation, high blood pressure, cancer, allergies, injuries, chronic pain, psychological disorders, grief, addiction and much more.

What is a session like?

      Pranic Healing is a no-touch modality that does not require you to be in the same place as the healer. You would simply find a comfortable standing, sitting, or laying position and focus on relaxing while the session is happening.


      Because every person is fundamentally different, each person will also experiences Pranic Healing sessions differently. The most common thing people describe after a healing session is feeling lighter and relaxed, breathing easier, feeling bright and energized, pain relief, reduced stress, or a sense of balance, peace, and happiness.

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